There's a practice to which I am becoming more and more of a subscriber, one related to Peter Drucker's famous advice to invest in companies whose products you understand and think are great or Michael Pollan's advice to eat foods whose ingredients you can pronounce. It's pretty simple: do what you know.
I once thought there was a business opportunity to present artful clothing to women "of a certain age", being one myself, being someone steeped in the fashion business throughout my career, being someone who veered off the path of mass-produced clothing, only to be complimented time and again for what I wore. I postponed starting that business several years ago, and now am seeing a variation of it come to life under the auspices of Artful Home. The initial response is encouraging. It is thrilling to see that, indeed, the premise seems to be resonating with other women, that doing what I know is leading to doing something that has some meaning to others.
Businesses start all the time from someone recognizing a perceived need and filling it; this is nothing new. I suppose it is the believing in myself which is the new part.
(Twist-top sweater by Amy Brill at artfulhome.com)
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